Top 5 Cute Cat Breeds For Families
Most of these breeds are characterized by a calm, loving, tolerant and playful temperament. They are less likely to own or be tied to individual family members, meaning that they perceive a newborn less as an intruder and a threat.
Maine Coon Cats
Maine Coons can compete with the size of small dogs and are highly intelligent, playful and full of energy. They thrive in families that include children and other pets, including dogs. Be aware that they are very skilled and can use their forepaws like raccoons to nourish food. You like to dive favorite toys in water bowls.
Persian Cats
Persian cats are known for their quiet, docile dispositions. They usually get on well with children and other pets and enjoy the attention. You can be very playful and loving.
Birman Cats
A Birman Cats likes to communicate with people, but does so in a soft tone. This is a gentle cat who plays gracefully and enjoys learning some tricks in a dignified style.
Burmese Cats
Burmese Cats are compact but heavy, often described as bricks wrapped in silk. That doesn’t preclude them from being active and acrobatic. Their short, fine, silky coat comes in the original dark sable brown as well as dilute colors: champagne (light brown), blue and platinum (lilac).
Abyssinian Cats
The Abyssinian Cats is a medium-sized cat with a long body and nicely developed muscles. She is an active cat that loves to jump and play.
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